Voice Your Opinion
Providing quality field service from coast to coast.
By participating in marketing, social and public opinion research your opinions help influence government policies and programs and help businesses offer products and services that better meet your needs. Your voice counts, and your involvement in research leads to improvements in things that matter to you. Click on the CRIC logo to verify that the project code is valid using the CRIC Research Verification Service.

About Us
With over 40 years of experience as qualitative fieldwork specialists, Voice Your Opinion Inc. (VYO) is proud to provide a quality field service that extends from coast to coast to coast. VYO brings a team of highly trained professional recruiters from across the country who can meet the needs of all projects and maintain a reputation for excellence.
With over 10,000 recruits per year, including online and in-person focus groups, IDIs, BBFG and Business-to Business interviews, Voice Your Opinion has created an extensive custom database of more than 80,000 Canadian households and has been on the ground floor of many innovative research techniques, embracing new research and recruiting methods. Voice Your Opinion is the only field service company in Canada to be a member in good standing of the Canadian Research Insights Council and it follows the Compliance and Ethical mandates of the organization.
Francophone recruiting is a significant portion of their work, and the company is one of the few in the country that can provide Francophone recruiting not only in the larger cities in Quebec but as well in the small town and rural areas of the province. Additionally, their office in Moncton, NB provides quality Francophone recruiting in New Brunswick.
As Canadian companies and individuals have worked to honour the recommendations of The Truth and Reconciliation commission Voice Your Opinion has taken this as a call to action to have a role in bringing these critical voices to the table. A significant effort has been made to build a database that will reflect the socioeconomic diversity as well as the geography of our Indigenous peoples.
While Voice Your Opinion is involved in both consumer and government and institution work, the leadership at the company is passionate about public policy and the impact quality recruiting can provide in bringing the right voices to the table that reflect the needs of the client. Recruiting in the post-pandemic qualitative research world is new and requires a skill set different than was previously needed and Voice Your Opinion has risen to that change. They are a company unique in its efforts to meet the needs of its clients and the ever-evolving dynamic of our country and our population.
Our Pledge to Canadians.
Your voice counts! By participating in marketing, social and public opinion research, your opinions help influence the things that matter most to you. This includes government policies and programs and the development of products and services that better meet your needs. We recognize that your continued participation and willingness to share your opinions are based on trust and respect. When you participate in research offered by Voice Your Opinion you can expect that:​
1. Your personal information and identity will be kept confidential
2. You will never be sold anything or asked for money
3. You will never be pressured or influenced on how to answer any questions
4. Your decision to not participate or to discontinue your participation will be respected.
5. You will be provided with details of any compensation offered for your participation if applicable.
6. You can verify that research you are invited to participate in is legitimate
7. You will be informed of the name of the research company and the purpose of the research.
8. You will be given the approximate time required to participate in the research.
9. You will be informed in advance if the interview will be recorded or if additional information such as your location will be collected and of the purpose for collecting that information.
10. You will be contacted at reasonable times and, where possible, you will be offered to be recontacted at a time that is convenient to you.